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Tuesday | 9/28/2021 | Faith, Family & The 50th District: State Representative Keith Wheeler on GMA

Dedication, faith, family & public service: that's what it's all about for State Representative Keith Wheeler (R-IL, 50th District) and those are today's topics. We're proud to be joined by Mr. Wheeler and for the opportunity to learn about who he is and all about the 50th district. Representative Wheeler has done much for his constituents and his voice and experience is needed to get the job done. Born in Aurora and raised in Oswego, Keith took us through his journey and told us about his upcoming events. In addition, from Blood Drives to pop-up clinics, Rep. Wheeler's office has been doing a whole lot for many communities.

Get a refill on that coffee and enjoy! This is a great interview that we're happy to conduct. Get a refill on that coffee and get ready for another great conversation!

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