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Tuesday | 7/28/2020 | Without The Lights (the interview that did NOT happen ... yet!)

Today the interview subject we had lined up did not show up, but later texted that they woke up late. It happens! So instead our host and new co-host Kristine talked about the benefits of being on time and practiced joint interviewing. What was also cool to listen to was our personal stories of being late, not being on time and how its looked at in the professional world. We've all been there before so we share those experiences with each other. Speaking on yesterday's interview both host & co-host identified things they'd like to see and work on with each other. These two will work out nicely!

The second largest city's first daily news podcast is here. Tune in everyday from 8 am to 9 am. Make sure to like and subscribe to stay updated on all things Aurora.


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