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Wednesday | 1/4/2023 | Jean Lynn Coaching Returns To Good Morning Aurora!

Good morning and happy New Year dear people. This is our first guest interview of the year and it will defnitely be a great one. With us today is Jean Lynn Coaching back for her 2nd appearance on the show. Get to know more about taking care of ourselves and visit her website here:

Here's the news:

- Friday, January 13th and Wednesday, January 18th will be events with presentations hosted by the North Aurora Police Department. The first, on the 13th of January will feature Kane County State's Attorney's Office as guest speaker and will be at 10 am. The second will feature Assistant State’s Attorney Matt Rodgers and will be at 6:30 pm on the 18th of January. The purpose of these events is to inform the public about identify theft and scams targeting seniors. Please share this information. Both presentations are free and open to the public.

- The Homebuying Team of the The Neighbor Project has an impressive lineup of seminars and workshops (in-person & virtual) all year! In addition to the workshops The Neighbor Project also provides group education and individual counseling. Learn about resources that are available and how you can receive other services. The Neighbor Project is the principal local resource for homeownership, financial counseling and opportunity for all Aurorans. For more information on how you and your family can benefit from coaching and financial help email Jerria at or call (630) 906-9400 with any questions.

Have a fantastic rest of the day and stay tuned for more great Aurora news and headlines. Tune in for another great episode on Friday. Subscribe to the show on YouTube at this link:

The second largest city's first daily news podcast is here. Tune in every Monday, Wednesday & Friday to our FB Live from 8 am to 9 am. Make sure to like and subscribe to stay updated on all things Aurora.

Twitter: goodmorningaur1

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